With any of the issues I specialize in, I recognize everyone exists on a continuum and has their own unique experiences. I encourage you to reach out if you are noticing the issues you are experiencing are impairing your quality of life despite your efforts.

Relationship with Food & Body

From disordered eating to eating disorders, I have been specializing in this area since 2017. When unhelpful relationships with food and body are left to its own devices for too long, the consequences can be devastating. My work has taught me it is never just about the food or the body.

Signs of an unhelpful relationship with food and body include:

  • Having persistent thoughts related to food content and intake

  • Avoidance of certain foods despite having no allergies and a desire for the food

  • Having an inflated or deflated sense of self-worth depending on your appearance or what you ate

  • Avoidance of social events due to feeling bad about your body or fear of weight gain

This list is not exhaustive. If you’re relating to any of the points above or questioning your relationship with food and your body, it might be worth reaching out for a free consultation. Click here to schedule.

Substance Use/Addiction

Similar to eating disorders, my experience in substance use/addiction has taught me that the “real” issues did not begin with the substance use/addiction. Maintaining sobriety is a delicate balance of attacking the present, while gaining insight how the underlying issues will come up to sabotage current efforts. In the same vein, it is important to identify the values you want your life to move towards to use as a guiding light as you move through your recovery program. Click here to schedule a free consultation to see how we might work together in your recovery.

Intergenerational Trauma

We all have things passed down to us from generation to generation, whether we are aware of it or not. If you’re noticing there are ingrained reactions, patterns of behavior, problematic interpersonal relationships that seem to be dictating your life, it’s time to take a deeper look into the mechanisms driving the person you are today and figure out what to continue to hold on to and what to let go of.

Click here to schedule a free consultation